There is so much fulfilment and growth that comes from serving and being a part of a team. The focus of this lesson is to explore:

  1. What is serving?

  2. Why do we serve?

  3. How can I become a part of the team at Globalheart Church?

What is serving?

Serving others is to genuinely care for people by putting their needs above your own. All throughout scripture we find Jesus serving people whether it was in the form of washing the disciples feet, feeding the five thousand, healing the sick and raising the dead to life. Jesus gave himself unconditionally, setting us the perfect example of love, humility and service.

Why do we serve?

Serving on a team is another way for you to find where you belong in our church. Globalheart has many teams, to essentially fulfil the mission of the local Church, but also to give people opportunities to fulfil their personal call to build God’s House. Jesus gave His life for us, so we give of our time, talent and treasure in response; to see His Kingdom come.

How can I become a part of the team at Globalheart Church?

We have a healthy, value-driven culture that is intertwined in and through all that we say and do. If you decide to be on team at Globalheart, your decisions and actions will be a reflection of our Church’s values to the people around you.

If you have now decided to join the team at Globalheart, your first step is to fill out a contact card and select ‘Join a Serving Team’, then one of our Pastors or Leaders will get hold of you. By doing this, you are not locking yourself into a roster. It will just start a conversation to identify your availability and preference in the area in which you would like to serve.


As a member of the team, we are all called to…

  1. Connect with New People

    People matter to God, so they matter to us.


“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

2. Build Relationship with my Team

Real life change happens and real leaders are developed when we take a step towards intentional relationships.


“I thank God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”

3. Empower Each Other

We are a people of purpose, working together on purpose.


“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.”

4. Celebrate the Wins

There is nothing more powerful than a life changed by Christ.


“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”

Discussion Questions:

  • Why is it important to serve at church?

  • What is the main attribute of serving well?

  • How do we know what is a good team to join?

  • What team would you like to join?

Please remember to fill out a “Contact Card” if you have not already. Remember to add your skills, interests, education and job so we can help you serve in an area that will be most beneficial to you and to the Church. Fill out one of the contact cards below by selecting one of our Globalheart locations that is closest to you.

Perth, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Hamburg, Germany

Lusaka, Zambia

Montreal, Canada



ACTS 2:42

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

We believe that everyone who calls Globalheart Church home should be a part of a connect group.

Why do we have Connect Groups?

Connect Groups are what keeps Globalheart a close-knit community, modelling the early church. Globalheart isn’t a church that HAS Connect Groups - rather, we’re a church OF Connect Groups. By forming a sense of family and empowering us to build relationships, they make a large church feel like home. No matter what your interests, career or stage of life, there is a Connect Group that will definitely be suitable for you. Connects run weekly or fortnightly throughout the year.

What happens at the Connect Group?

At connect groups we eat food, build friendships and talk about how the Bible applies to our life. The theme of the messages spoken at our weekend services that month, are also discussed in an interactive lesson. Doing so, you will be able to establish deeper relationships in a warm and safe environment.

Where and when is a Connect Group?

Connects can be found all over Perth during the week. Some also meet in Church after the church services and mid-week events. This means that connect groups don't just meet at homes. Some organise to meet in cafes and restaurants. Connect groups also organise to do fun activities together, with some connects doing fortnightly discussions alternated with a fun hang out.

Sometimes all the connect groups in the same age group get together for a big social event too. This is a great way to meet other people who aren’t a part of your connect group. Connect groups are a great place where you can build lifelong friendships.

Why are Connect Groups important?

Connect Groups provide opportunities for:

  1. Sharing around God’s Word - I need people to strengthen and balance the Word of God in my life.

  2. Friendship - I need people to pray for me personally

  3. Support - I need people who will protect me

  4. Bring a friend - There are people with whom I can share my story

JOHN 13:34-35

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: love each other: Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

Can I change connect groups if my circumstances change or I would like to try another one?

Yes. Finding the connect group that is right for you may not happen on the first try. There are no hard feelings, and we would love to help you find one that best suits your journey with God. The best way to do this is by filling out a “contact card” located on one of the iPads at Church, on the Globalheart website or app. Just click connects and one of the team will contact you.

Discussion Questions:

  • Why is it important to be a part of a smaller group of believers?

  • Why is sharing what God is speaking to me about important in a connect group?

  • Why is sharing good news and praying for each other’s needs in connect group important?

  • How do I start attending a connect group and what If I don’t like it?