Greetings from Ps Gerard and Sue

Hello and welcome!

The most important decision a person can make is to follow Jesus and be planted in a great local Church. We are so excited for you; whether you are new to faith in Jesus, or new to Globalheart Church. God has a great plan (prepared in advance) for your life. Sue and I really want to encourage you to chase after Him with everything you have.



A Christian life leads us into “brand new” exciting territory. As you start to focus on God for the first time or afresh in this new season, He has already planned great days of fruitfulness and fulfilment for you. Decide to connect strongly to God and His house and get ready for what I like to call; great “God-cidences”. God begins to bring people and situations to our lives that firstly draw us closer to Him.

The Bible encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. So guard against distractions as God has too much in store for you. Having said that, I discovered as a new Christian myself, that this life is not for the faint-hearted. It takes some grunt to stick with what God has called us to.

However, when you stay the course and follow through, you will look back in the years to come and be amazed at all God has done. God’s first priority for us is that we grow to know Him and His love deeply. Amazingly, God also chooses to use us in our imperfections. If God only used “perfect people”, He could use no one.

Go hard for Him, He has a great future for your life.

With love,

Ps Gerard and Sue.